The Cushing Fund 2024-2025
Every gift to The Cushing Fund supports today’s students and school community.
secsSupporters across the USA
Supporters (175)
All (175)
Adam Rabinowitz
Alberto Sanchez
Alexandra Krasowski
Andrea Del Bello
In memory of Rachel Ahn
Anne Lo
Gratitude for all support Cushing community and teachers to us for years!
Arthur Coulombe
Ashley Zimmerman
In honor of Robert Johnson
Atim George
Auriell Spiegel
Barbara Beebe
In honor of Mildred and Clifford Beebe
Barbara Corcoran
Academic support afforded our daughter a collegiate education she might not have been prepared for otherwise.
Barbara Schultz
Betsy Smith
Cushing is a wonderful school and it's up to all of us to support it!
Bin Li
Boo Vernon
Brenda McDonald
In honor of Eric Ulery
Brian Drourr
In honor of Bob JohnsonI support Cushing 35 years later because even after all these years rarely a day passes where I am not reminded in some way of my time in Ashburham.
Brigitte Loof
Bryan Ahern
In honor of James Gholston
Caroline Bidermann
Carrie Quinlan
In memory of Jim Boynton
Charlie Thornton
Chelsea Koski
Chris Mahoney
In memory of John M Mahoney
Christine Monahan
Christine Pawlikowski
The faculty and staff from my years at CA are among some of the most caring and supportive people that I have encountered.
Christopher Gillies
In honor of Penny Peck
Christopher Ingram
In honor of William Patrick Ingram
Christopher Wajda
In honor of Bruce Lemieux '85In memory of Bruce Lemieux '85
Colby Falconer
Coleman Mark
Cooper Harris
Courtney Houston-Carter
Cynthia Benton-Groner
Thank you to the dedicated teachers. Go Penguins.
Daniel Logan
Daniel Tourchot
Danyu Liao
Darleen and John Lessard
David & Royce Battleman
David Brooks
David Grimm
David Nevins
Go Team!
Dean Boecher
Deb Gustafson
Deborah Warner
Dennis & Valerie Clark
We appreciate you!
Dennis & Valerie Clark
Supportive and caring teachers.
Don Harris
Donald M Aronoff
Paying it forward
Donna Panero
In honor of Class of 26!Proud to be a part of the Cushing community 🐧
Doug & Patty Delay
Douglas Hartshorn
Dr. Jeffrey Quebec
Eberhard Rau
Edward Johanningsmeier
Good work Brett! You've made a tremendous difference over the years in sustaining and developing Cushing's mission as I knew it.
Eliza Jones
Erica Ribeiro
In honor of The A Team!
Fang (Helen) Cheng
Thanks to all the faculty to make Cushing a warm family!
Frank Wilson
Frank and Kathryn Zirnkilton
Fred Erskine
George Saunders
Gina Martin
In memory of Bruce Lemieux
Greg Bonanni
Greg Bonzagni
Gregg Falcone
Gregory and Tracey Inman
Harry Powers
A great education is one of the best investments you can make in your children!
Hassan Robinson
Heather PERRY
In honor of John & Gerry Sommers
Henry Walker
Honghua Piao
Hyoe Yamashita
Isaac Long
Jack Casady
James MacPhee
Cushing became a launching pad for my son's success. Great teachers set a high standard for academic excellence.
Jeff Johnson
Jeff and Cheryl Kaplan
Jeffrey Gordon
Jennifer Chatelle
Jennifer Cronin
In honor of Raja Bala
Jeremy McShane
Jesse Cramer
Jill Weigley
In honor of Raja Bala
Jody Gottlieb
In memory of Jonathan B Gottlieb
Jonathan Bobbett
Jordan Hall
Josh Levesque
Keith Emery
Kelley Ryan
Kevin Cregg
"I am proud to supprt Cushing Academy and contribute to the enriching enviroment that fosters my son's growth and learning.Thank you for the dedication and passion you bring to our children's education."
Kiley-Holt Family
Kristine Pelletier
Kurt Scanio
Larry Eng
Lauren Arsenault
Lauren Slebodnick
Lorne Ouellet
Luke Saunders
Lynn Iannone
Lynn Thornton
M N Shroff
Madison Lessard
Alumna tapping in. Dear old Cushing days!
Mark Ledbetter
Mark Stoever
Mary O'Neill
Matt Cone
Matthew Abbott
Maya Rogers
Go Penguins!
Michael Mutchler Michele Parker
Michael Powers
Good old Cushing days!
Michael Rau
Mike Earnest Couldn’t Kick With Left Foot
Multi Res Connect Inc
Nancy Boyle
In memory of Chris N. BoyleGO CCA! Chris was a loyal faculty penguin who "bled purple" and loved Cushing and the athletes, students, families, and faculty he worked with over the years. We have supported CA for many years and will continue for many more!
Nancy and Magnus Ryde
In honor of the wonderful Cushing Academy faculty and staff that create an outstanding experience for the students.
Nate Stillman
Neil & Bridget Minihane
Nestor Nicholas
Nicholas Pirro III
Nicholas Sanders
Paul Sarkozi
Through a supportive community that looks to value each individual's unique gifts, Cushing creates an environment that fosters personal growth, compassion, commitment and connection.
Paul and Maureen Silva
R P Tuthill Jr
Richard Sanford
Robert P Soucy
Ryan Moynihan
Serafin Sanchez
In honor of Class of 1984Thanks Brett Torrey for keeping us all penguins together over the years. You are doing an amazing job. Love you all penguins. Happy New Year.
Spencer Harris
Susan Blair
Taylor Carney
Terrence O'Neil
Theodore Barton
Theodore Wong
Theresa QUINN
Thomas Fital
In memory of Lee Ann Fital
Thomas Rafalsky
Thomas Stauffer
In honor of Mary Fern
Tim Bourgeois
Tim and Lynn Williams
Timothy Davidson
Todd Servick
Valerie Bono-Bunker
Valerie Clark
We look forward to the performances.
Valerie Clark
Xia Zhang
Thanks for teachers dedicated work, support of cushing community
Xiang Fu
Yasmèn Guidoboni
Yuin Shan Ding
Zulette Catir
Fond memories of my time at Cushing. Keep up the good work.
Chase gordon gordon
Go Penguins!
David nickless
Ian pesses
Joel Choi
Marcia wasser
Rhona golubock
Robert young
Sean gilmore
In honor of Roland Coutu
Steve critchfield
Yun wu
Please love the kids as parents, we are highly appreciated for that.
In honor of William Rawlins