Cushing Day of Giving
One Day. A Lifetime of Opportunity.
High-5 for '85!

A challenge from Brett Torrey to the Class of 1985! Let’s stay at the “top of the class” by getting to 50 donors this year! In addition, for every gift of $85 or more from the class, Brett will contribute $19.85 per gift. MAKE BRETT PAY!
A Challenge for Classes 2013-2023!

The Cushing Alumni Council will give $5,000 when 50 members from the classes of 2013-2023 make a gift!
Time to Shine, 1969!

Members of the Class of 1969, your class has always been exceptional in your support, giving back to CA in so many ways. On Day of Giving, a generous group of your classmates will give an additional $100 for EACH gift received from your class – of ANY amount! You heard correctly! A gift of $50 becomes $150, $100 becomes $200, and so on!
TRIPLE High-Five, '85!
A HUGE NEW CHALLENGE, 1985! If we can get 50 gifts from our class, it will unlock three $2,500 gifts for a total of $7,500. Let’s reach for the stars, and hit numbers never imagined before. “Many hands make light work” so spread the word, and let’s get it done!

An anonymous donor will generously donate $60,000 if we reach 600 gifts!