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Cushing Academy

Ashburnham, MA

Cushing Day of Giving

One Day. A Lifetime of Opportunity.

Cushing Academy

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (617)

All (617)
Aaron Santos
Adam Perlow
Adam Rabinowitz
Aidan Ryan
Aimee Williams
Alan Crocker
Alberto Sanchez
Alex Gomes
Alex Gomez
Alexander Hutchinson
Alexandra Krasowski
Alison Carrabba
Alita Haytayan
Amanda & Bryan Stipek
Amanda Lens
Amelia King Randolph
Amy Logan
Amy McDonald-Killian
Amy Roberts
I support Cushing because Cushing supported me!
Andre Gelinas
Andrew Erickson
Thanks Cushing…we appreciate the experience our son is having there!
Andrew Hobson
Andrew Lemieux
In honor of Bruce Lemieux from the class of 1985
Donated $85 in honor of ‘85 alum Bruce Lemieux, Brother Brett. 💜🙏🏻
Andy Chen
Aneesa Fallon
Ann Logan
In honor of Lorna Moody '85
To Cushing Academy! Making lives better since 1865...
Ann Svensen
Anne Cass
Anne Lo Yi
Cushing is worth our support!
Annie Unger
Anonymous Donor
Anthony Paoletti
April Winter
Arnita Ozgener
Arthur Coulombe
Arthur Hobson
Ashlee Cabeal
Auriell Spiegel
Axel Favreau
Babetta Marrone
Barb Pollard
Barbara and John Corcoran
Bella Dickinson
Beth Favreau
Beth Llewelyn
Betsy Burke
Bill Patten
Blair Hopps
Blake Herman
Blossom Truel
Bob and Carolyn Johnson
Bobby Jay
Bobby Phelps
Bonnie Richard
Boo Vernon
Brad & Lillian McFadden
Such a beautiful and friendly place to have our three kids grow up there !
Brady Dickerson
Brandi Booker
So wonderful to see the community come together for all the students, faculty and staff of Cushing. Go Penguins!
Brandon Monat
Brenda "Queenie" Foster
Brendan Agnew
Brent Tewksbury
Brett Torrey
Brett Torrey
In memory of Bruce Lemieux '85
In memory of classmate, brother in law, fellow colleague and best friend. Let's go class of '85, lets stay "top of the class" again this year! Make Me Pay... in your honor, and Bruce's!
Brett Torrey
Brian Barber
Thank you Cushing!
Brian Drourr
In honor of Brett Torrey and a of his tireless efforts to bring us all together
Thank you Brett! Penguin pride...
Brian Green
Penguin strong!🐧💜 God Bless
Brian Yandle
Broc Little
Bronson Hunt
Brooke Fallon
Brooke Harb
Bruce Feldman
Caitlin Forrest
In honor of Mike Forrest
Caitlyn Callaghan (Ryan)
Cam Lund
Cameron Akers
Candace Maple
Cara Ryan
Carla Singer
My daughter Martine Singer, Class of 2007, had a wonderful experience at Cushing!
Carlos Ortiz
Carol Young
Carol&Robert Gorman
Continuing our love for Cushing
Caroline Hall
Carolyn Crowell
Carolyn Cunningham Stack
Carolyn Nevins
Carrie Quinlan
In memory of My father Jim Boynton
Caryl Minor
Casey Wood
Catalina Reinoso
Catherine Pollock
Cathy Melanson
Charles Furgal
Charles Kralovec and Tom Ryan
Charles Scanio
Charles and Karen Staelin
Charlotte Ciarletta
Charlotte Oosterman
Chelsea Koski
Go Penguins!
Chen Yan
Chris Adams
I spent ten very enjoyable years of my life teaching there with such a wonderful group of colleagues. And many great students also
Chris Mahoney
In honor of John M Mahoney
Chris Roy
Christian Bifano
Christian Housh
Roll Pens!
Christian Lopez
Christiane Bourque
Christina Ryan
Christine Pawlikowski
Christine and Dan Monahan
Christopher Brackett
Christy Ryan
Chuan Hong
Best high school!
Claire Gallagher
Colleen Fay
In honor of Bruce Lemieux
Coop Caiozzo
Cooper Harris
Courtney Houston-Carter
Courtney Lilley
Cushing Alumni Council
Cushing Class of 1969
Cushing Girls Hockey Championship Team 2020
Cybil Landry
Da-Shiuan Wu
Damon Tyson
Dan Fontas
Dana Barnes
Daniel Domeniconi
Daniel Revellese
Daniel Rosen
Thank you for all your attention to detail and care for the students.
Daniel Tourchot and Weiyu Jiang
Darleen Lessard
David Farnham
In honor of Steven C. Farnham
David Halvorsen
David Mogull
In honor of Ivan and Marcia Mogull
Love and appreciation
David Nevins
David Pearson
Cushing Lacrosse Donation
David Texeira
David Wood
David and Beth Stone
David and Gail Bumgardner
DeAndre Maxwell
Deb Gustafson
A very special community! 🐧
Debbie Ebensberger
Deborah Harmon
Denise Ryan
Dennis Clark
Deonne Johnson
Derek and Maureen Asadoorian
Devin Mehta
Devon Young
Diane Cummings Hill
Diane Doriney
Dianne O’Connor
Dolores Boettcher
Dominique Batt
Don Booth
Don Harris
Donald Harmon
Dong Vu
Donna Baum
Cushing Academy changed my life by providing an outstanding high school education.
Donna Panero
In honor of My upcoming Junior Brady and the class 2026!!! Rollpens!
Thank you penguin nation!!! XOXO
Donna Stout
Doreen Johnson
Doreen McPaul
Penguin pride. 💜🤍🐧
Doris McMillon
I am so happy to support Cushing. My school saved my life in so many ways. Grateful to be a part of the class of 1969
Dorothy Kuwana
Dottie Hobson
Doug & Patty Delay
Doug Hartshorn
Douglas Dreyer
Ed Cadogan
Ed Mayo
Eddie Buggie
Edelyn Norris
Roll Pens!
Edward Corrigan
Edward Law
Elise Enty Johnson
In honor of Robin Bronfman Fischa
Eliza Jones
Elizabeth Johnson
Loved my Cushing years!
Ellen Benavides
In honor of Lorna Moody Class of ‘85
Ellen Bryan
Elliott Ventura
Ellyn Doig
In honor of Jim Totin
Elma Shaw
Emerson Marshall
Emilie Domit Moino
Emily Archuleta
Emily Roller
In honor of Rich Henry & Peggy Lee
Emily Turner-Russo
Eric Lund
Eric Macrina
In honor of Coach Wayne Sanborn
Eric and Jennifer Connolly
Erica Ribeiro
In honor of The Cushing Advancement Team
Erika Lawler
Erika von Graevenitz
Erin Wilcox
Ethan Hale
Evelyn Johnson
Excellis Interactive
Pay it forward! - Wayne Semisch ‘89
Fabian Lara
Fiona Riley
Fran Maple
Candance, we are so proud of you; keep up the good work.
Francois Tchoyi
Frank Chihchun Yang
Frank Kasdan
Gail Maitland
Cushing was a perfect fit for my son, great teachers, beautiful campus and he continues his relationship as a proud alumni. Feel blessed he graduated from Cushing!
Gail Maitland
George Linehan
Thank you Cushing for being a great place for our son to grow and excel!
George Porter
Georgia Elbling
Our gratitude to the Athletic Training Team and Health Center staff! You are amazing!
Gina Martin
In honor of Bruce Lemieux
Gordon Buchsbaum
In honor of Sarah Buchsbaum
Sarah, We are so proud of everything you have accomplished in your life’s journey so far and look forward to watching you continue to grow into who you want to become. Love, Mom & Dad
Grace McGovern
Greg Bonanni
Greg Pollard
In honor of The Advancement Office
Greg Pollard
In honor of The Advancement Office
Gregory Bair-Caruso
Gregory Napolitano
Thank you Cushing Academy Friends, Family, and Faculty.
Gwen (Penny) Silverman
In memory of Tony Fisher
Tony Fisher was a great classmate
In honor of Mrs Lee
Hadley Crosby
Haley Clark
Harry Harmon
In honor of Donald Harmon
Hassan Robinson
In memory of Bob Hall
Hayley Moore
Heather Lucey
Heather Wright Ojha
In honor of Caryl Burton Wright Minor '58
Cushing has been a part of my family for four generations! CA helped shape my life in so many positive ways - Paying it forward!
Hilary Hutchinson
Honglin and Xia Zhou
Hooz Jason
Hunt Brothers 24
Thank you for providing a great education, competitive athletics, and a diverse social experience, all in a safe environment.
Isla Kaplan
Issei Akita
Jack Casady
Great to be a penguin!
Jack Miller
Jaime Hancock
In honor of Mr. Hall and Mr. Boyle
James Cheever
James Grace
James Thomson
Jane Block
Great school!
Jane Bourette
Jarred Weisfelner
Jason Ryan
Jaxon Tereau
Jayden Hart
Jaymi Bader
Go Cushing Academy!
Jeff Jones
Jeffrey Boudreau
Abby had a great experience at Cushing, especially playing Softball and performing in the Theatre Program, we are glad we can offer the support of those programs and the School in general.
Jen Viana
Jenn Bernard
Jenn Parreira
Appreciation for the Cushing Academy teachers, coaches and staff who have provided so much for Nate.
Jennifer Jay
Jennifer Jesinoski
Jennifer Johnston
Jennifer Storm
Jeremy Duffy
In honor of Chaz Hesse '89
Jeremy Gosinski
Jess Hoppin
In honor of Julie Brodsky
Jess Soderquist
Jim & Ginny Unger
Jim Fay
Jim Kleefield
Jimmy Monahan
Jinyu Meng
Joe Bennett
Thank you, Cushing Academy!
Joe Bennett
Happy Cushing Day of Giving!
Joe Harb
Joel Pettit
Joel Reitman, C.M.
An honor to help Cushing Academy!
John Frey
John Kelly
John Rizzo
In honor of Mr. Robert Hall
Forever grateful for the Cushing Family!
John Shipley
John and Linda Snell
Jon Goode
Jordan Comeau
Jordana Popovich
Joseph Marzilli
Josh Harrison
Always happy to support the place that was such a big part of my life.
Josh Novodor
Great place to grow and succeed as young teenager.
Juan Poleo
Sean Madeiros
Judith Beams
Cushing is a wonderful school--keep up the great work!!
Judith Myers
Julia Lambert
Jung Hoon and Na Young Lee
Junjian and Ling Jin
Kaaren Scanio
Kailey Smith
Kaori Furuya
Kate Abrahamson
The Cushing community is a family that we will always be involved with. Sara had an amazing four years there. Cushing truly helped her become the best version of herself, and we are so grateful! So many wonderful people who supported her and continue to do so- 5 years later! Roll Pens!
Kate Marlow
I give so other students can have an amazing high school experience filled with supportive community members like I had!
Katherine Kaae
Katherine Lemieux
In honor of Deb Gardner
Deb Gardner is a literal ray of sunshine in human form. She has made such a massive impact not only in my life, but SO many of her students and colleagues throughout her career at Cushing. Thank you for all you have done for me Deb! I love you!
Katherine Morrow
Kathie Babine
Kathryn Lydon
Katie Ftorek
Kayla Sargent
Keith and Jylann Calcote
Kellie White
Kelly Domeniconi
Kelly Maillet
Ken Carlsen
Kenzley Goode
Kerby Saunders
Kerry Jiang
Kerry Ward
Kevin Fay
Kevin Jacobs
Kevin and Katherine McGovern
Kevin henschel
To support Cushings mission!
Kiernan Bell and George Thomas
We are especially grateful to Jen Willis, Julia Ohm and Jeanine Eschenbach for all their support of Miranda.
Kim Sousa
Kim and Scott Samson
Kimberly Bourque
Kole Hyles
Kristin Walton
Kristine Pelletier
Kun Chen
Kurt Kublbeck
Kurt Scanio
Very happy to support Cushing after everything I gained from attending.
Kyle Sanborn
In honor of Bob Hall and Chris Boyle
Brett- Great job! Keep it rolling!
LIam Ryan
Laura Brady
Laura Robusto
Lauren Ainsworth
Lauren Toomy
Leslie Vincent
Li and Yiping Xu
Lilja Stone
Lilly Corso
Lily Riley
Lily Shaw
To brighter futures for future leaders <3
Lindsay Sturmak
Lindsay Wilde
Lisa Mann Easterwood
It was a great time of growth inside the classroom and on the fields. I made wonderful friends and loved learning about people outside of my hometown.
Lisa Moody
Liza Wood Dietz
Lori Nix
Lorne Ouellet
Lorrachester Kuwana
Thank you for the solid foundation you provide for the kids.
Louisa Gebelein Jones
In honor of Eliza Gebelein Jones, Brett Torrey
Luis Gonzalez
Luke Goukler
Lyla Rahn
Lyujia Pan
MARCY & William wenning
In memory of Cody H Wenning
Mackenzie Babine
Madeline Devin
Makiba Brathwaite
Marcia Canter
Marcia Perry
Marcus Bonanni
Marcus Pratini de Moraes
Margaret Lee
In memory of Bob Hall
Margaret Riley
Maria Luna Gonzalez
Marion Brown
Mark Aimone
Mark Axelman
Mark and Jane Burke
Mark/Darlene Stoever
Mary Furniss
Mary Johnson
Thank you for all of the opportinities for our grandson!
Mary O'Neill
Let’s go 2013s!!!!
Matt Rousseau
In honor of Bob Hall
Matt Siegel
Matthew Bertin
Matthew DeFeo
Matthew KALLAS
In honor of Coach Hall
Matthew Lemieux
Max Dinneen
Megan Shea
Mehran Saboori
Melissa Christensen
Mia Fontas
Michael Barucci
Michael Berger
Michael Bertin
Michael Rau
Michael Rousseau
Michelle & Carl Smith
In honor of Brett Torrey '85
Michelle Salvucci
I believe in the work we do and I believe in the magic this place holds to unlock the best in our students.
Mike and Roberta Warren
Millicent Bolden
In honor of Haynes Waters
Mimi Franklin
Modestso Roque
Molly Bardol
Monika Krigbaum
Morgan Reedenmeyer
Nancy Lippincott
In honor of Emma Lippincott
I was a scholarship student; my oldest child was a scholarship student. We both we a debt to Cushing!
Nancy Lohmann
Nancy Pudlo
Nat and Louisa Greene
Natalia Marron Marquez
Natalie Wilson
Nathan and Jennifer Drake
In appreciation of the faculty and staff who have helped Lydia so much, starting with Mr. Bala.
Nathaniel Bacon
Ned and Kelly Crosby
Newlin and Jeanette Rawlins
Nick Lynch
Nicole Moorshead
Nicole Wilson
Noel Bankston
Norma and EJ Dean
Thanks for your support which help a lot our daughter in order to grow up with confidence
Oliver Svoboda
Omar Abduljawad
Owen Tatro
Padraig Ryan
Pamela Berube Slimak
Cushing has a been a life changer for our son. Covid was very isolating and schoolwork became the last thing he wished to do. Thanks to Cushing and Coach Kline, he is thriving and headed to his dream school in the fall.
Pamela Streeter
Patrice Worcester
Great school! Great memories! Keep up the good work!
Patricia Bruso
Patricia Kelly
Patrick Bertin
Patrick Monahan
Patrick Ziselberger
Paul M Beard
Thanks to the Faculty and Staff of 1977.
Paul Pearl
Paul Sarkozi
Cushing does a wonderful job supporting all aspects of a student’s personal development. What a gift Cushing has been in our family’s life!
Paul Tierney
Paul and Kirstin Lynch
Paul and Maureen Silva
Peter & Suzanne Talbot
Peter Burke
Peter Hershaft
Class of '85 Best Class Ever!!!!
Peter Metcalf
Peter and Natalie Nelson
Petra & Michal Svoboda
Philip Raskin
Philip Young
Pierre Marcoux
In honor of Robert Hall
Rachel Dellheim
Rachel Goldberg
Randi Archuleta
Randy and Karen Bertin
Rebecca Chanin
In memory of Tim Whitcomb
Cushing enhanced my life in more ways than I can list. Thinking of Tom, who left this life far too soon.
Rebecca Rice
In honor of Mona Irvine Rice
Please give to Mona Rice Dance Fund. Thank you.
Remy Dai
In memory of David
Rich and Jessica Devin
Richard Chase
Richard Ripley
In honor of Paul Heslin
Outstanding person, mentor, teacher and coach!
Richard Sanford
Richard and Joan Roller
In honor of Emily Roller
Richard and Suzanne Eisinger
Rick Goukler
Riley Cohan
Riley Moore
Robert P Soucy
Robert Stipek
Great Educational Experience
Robert Ward
Robert Yeager
Robert and Maria Moeller
Roberta DeWaters
Robinson Zhou
Roger Brooks
Rolando Vasquez
Rosemary Roque
Rubin Meadow
Ryan Bertin
Ryan Bourque
Ryan Conroy
Ryan Senecal
Ryan Suchanek
Sadie Bellissimo
Sam Frasier
Sam Zucker
Samuel Roebuck
Sandra Toro
Sandy Sullivan
Great experience! Teachers were very caring. Lifelong friends made.
Saoirse Ryan
Sara Abrahamson
Sara Moeller
Sara Trigg
In honor of Talia’22 and Tobias’24 Trigg
Sarah Frazier
Sarah Szymanski
Scott & Julie Nylen
Cushing is awesome and we are glad to help support this wonderful academy!
Scott Bingham
In memory of Bob Hall
Scott Flemming
My wife Sue Dinapoli and I were Cushing faculty in the 80's and involved in the Native American Preparatory School [NAPS] program. Keep up the good work, Brett!
Scott and Christyn Whitney
Serafin Sanchez
Hi penguins
Serena Johnson
Seth Moran
Go Cushing!!
Shannon Murray
Sharon Munroe
Shawn and Jean Murphy
Shawna Gordon-Litman
Thank you for a well rounded education and life long friends!
Sherry Gleason
ShihChi Fan
Thank you so much for everything you have done for our kids!
Songping Liao
Go Cushing!
Sonia Descormiers
Because of the opportunity they give my daughter to a higher level of education and personal development!
Sophie Elmes
Spencer Butterfield
Spencer Harris
Stan Hartshorn
Stephen Cohan
Stephen Spiegel
Steve Jacobs
In honor of Bob Hall
Steve Sanders
In honor of Kurt “The Night Watchman” Kublbeck
Steven Whitney
Stirling Ince
Sue Troy
Sue and Harry Wight
Sungjoo Park
Susan Haigh
Susan McCallion
In honor of Richard Zises and Catherine Mitchell
Brett made me remember how much I liked CA and how much I miss Kerby Saunders!
Susan Woody
I loved the school
Suzanne Widenhouse
Class of ‘85 💜🐧💜
Sydney Carpenter
Takako Furuya
Thanks to Mr Randy and Mr ince ,Mr Sinclair.
Talia Dell Angelo
Tammy Maxwell
Tammy and Tim Hale
In honor of Alexa Hale Class of ‘24. We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. We can’t wait to cheer you on in your next journey. So thankful to all of the teachers and coaches who helped shape the wonderful person she has become. Cushing is a special place we are grateful to be a part of!
Tamy Linver
Taylor Buckley
Team TTI / Techtronic Industries
Teresa Gosinski
Terrence O'Neil
Thomas Broderick
Thomas Rafalsky
Thornton Family
Cushing was a great fit for our youngest son. He blossomed and was happy and made life long friends.
Tim Lemieux
Tim and Kelley Ryan
Thank you to all the teachers and coaches!
Timothy McCormick
Tom Wotschiski
Traci Hickey
Tracy True
Tricia Lambert
Tristan Johnson
Troy Bader
Way to go!
Troy Maldonado
Tyler Russo
Tyler Stillings
Tyler and Nichole Hart
Valerik Roumi
Victoria Escalante
Victoria Hammond
For the impact it made on me and my families lives
Victoria Ryan
W Dean Boecher
Wayne Scroggs
Waynr Semisch
Wei Yu Jiang
Wenjing Guo
William Devin
William Kahn
William O'Neil
Xin and Jifei Zhang
Xinyue Wang
Xueqin and Wendy Deng
Xufang Zhu
Go Cushing!
Yasmèn Guidoboni
Yasuyuki Goto
Yong and Helen Cao
Yoshiki Nagatome
Thank you for providing a great education!
Yuen Cheuk
Yun Shi Lin
Zachary White
Zehua and Sai Yang
Zhuoyan wang
Charles mcalister
Chase gordon
Elliot lowenstein
Will never forget the "vine clad tower" Elliot Lowenstein '63
Jane bourette
Jim irzyk
In honor of Bob Hall
Ken Pickart
Mark hudak
O p h y li a li
honor cert
Steve critchfield
Thank you for all you do.
Wayne hancock
Yan tang
Yudong hou
Yujia Han
Love this school. Gave me the roots to build the life I want to live!
In honor of Deonne Johnson
Cushing changed my life!
Cushing is Family.
In honor of Coach Steve Jacobs
The best!!!

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