Cushing Day of Giving
One Day. A Lifetime of Opportunity.
What is Cushing's Day of Giving?
Cushing Academy’s Day of Giving is a 1865 minute opportunity for alumni, families, and friends worldwide to join together and support the people and programs that help make Cushing Academy such a special place. Our Day of Giving is not just about making a donation…it’s about making a difference.
Where should I give?
While you can direct your gift in support of any program such as performing arts or academics, your support of the Cushing Annual Fund is especially impactful as it touches every aspect of the Cushing experience for our students and faculty.
What is the Cushing Annual Fund?
The Cushing Annual Fund provides critical support for just about everything that happens at the Academy. The Annual Fund is essential to maintaining and advancing our faculty, programs, activities, and facilities. Gifts to the fund provide operating support and help sustain the Academy’s budget, ensuring stability for every department’s financial resources. Knowing that we can rely on our donors’ annual gifts allows us to make the best use of resources today and effectively plan for the future. Your contribution to the Annual Fund impacts every aspect of the Cushing experience and community.
What is the Head of School Society?
Cushing’s Head of School Society honors generous donors whose annual contributions from July to June total $1,865 or more. The top levels honor a long-time serving Head of School at Cushing.